Sunday, February 14, 2021

WhiteStat : Real-time Daily Network Bandwidth Usage Analyzer, Targeted for RaspberryPi

WhiteStat is an entire Network (Internet) Bandwidth Daily Usage Analyzer, in a Docker Container with Historic Data Persistence.

Supports both IPV4 and V6 captures. It requires no other external dependency other than Docker CE installed on the Host.



Key Features includes:

1. Entire Network Usage Analyzer is in a Docker Image and minimal enough to run on a Pi Hardware

2. Provides Daily Usage Levels per individual Host in the Network, Considering DHCP and the same Host could have different IP's on the same day

3. Single Responsive Dashboard (UX) to view all the daily/historic statistics. Supports searching/sorting on all usage record fields.

4. Survival of Usage Data, in case of a System Crash (Router/Pi at which WhiteStat is running)
WhiteStat keeps checkpoints on data usage in every 30 Seconds by default, and use the same as the starting level, when the system comes up.

5. Provides Historic Data, in SQL lite Database

6. JSON end points are given, so that it could be integrated with other Analytics tools for detailed data analysis (like PowerBI, excel)

To Know More Follow WhiteStat in GitHub.

