Monday, January 7, 2019

PowerShell - Ternary Operator (|?:)

Below is a Ternary Operator (?: in C or IIF in VB) implementation in Powershell, inspired by this post.

This is a most close enough form of ?: Or Ternary Operator in Powershell. It is written as |?:

It takes the below form (<falsePart> is optional);

<condition> |?: <truePart> [<falsePart>]

The <condition>, <truePart>, <falsePart> sections, can be normal expressions or [Script Blocks].

This operator also supported in Powershell Pipelines as well.

The implementation is provided in GitHub Here.
Usage Samples here.

 Import-Module -Name "VA.Script.Utility" -Force
 #Usage condition |?: truepart [falsePart]
 $true |?: "Print True" "Print False"

 #Usage {condition} |?: {trueBlock} [{falseBlock}]
 { $true } |?: { "Print True" } { "Print False" }
 #You could provide condition directly without script block
 1 -eq 2  |?: { "1 Equals 2" } { "1 Not Equals 2" }
 #You could omit False Part of the ternary
 { 1 -eq 2 } |?: { "1 Equals 2" }

 #Use Ternary in Pipe line. Below will Print 3
 (@( {$true}, $true, { $false }, $true) | ?: "YES" ).Length

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