Sunday, January 17, 2021

Network Bandwidth Monitoring/Analysis Using RaspberryPi II

Pi could be used to Monitor the Bandwidth Usage of entire Home Network. Time series data could be visualized in different types of Charts. Historic data visualization supported (e.g Monthly Bandwidth Usage). Each Network/IP/Machine level statistics could be analyzed and viewed.

The below configuration explain about setting up such an environment. The only prerequisite would be, Make all your traffic go through Pi. i.e Change your Default Gateway from Router to Pi. This could be easily done through, updating the Router LAN settings, and putting Raspberry Pi IP-Address, in the Default Gateway box.

Now update Raspberry Pi’s Default Gateway as Routers IP, and enable IP forwarding. This will make all traffic destined for Internet will be automatically routed to the Router from Pi. Finally setup ‘ntopng’, to churn the network packets, for analysis. 

Detailed instructions are given here.



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