Monday, April 6, 2015

AdSense approval with Blogger/BlogSpot accounts, without a Custom Domain. The missing pieces!

I got my AdSense request approved by Google for my BlogSpot account on 03 April 2015. I repeat again, the approval is for my BlogSpot account.

So I thought to share my experiences to help my fellow bloggers, who were struggling to get the same. There are numerous blogs on this topic (How to get AdSense Approval), out there, where they specifically preach about the requirement to get a ‘Custom Domain’ name. They says, “Gone are the days for AdSense approval, for Blogger and BlogSpot accounts. We need to get a Custom Domain Name, and that’s the very first requirement’. This is again proved wrong and in the Year 2015, Blogger/BlogSpot accounts still gets AdSense approvals.

I had applied for AdSense earlier 3 times and all were rejected. Then I’ve started searching for tips, on how to get ‘AddSense’ approval. All the blogs I’ve landed mentions the need of ‘Custom Domain’ name. I was really disappointed and thought to quit my Blogger account to find my luck elsewhere.

But I contemplated on this and decided to go forward once again. I looked at my blog from visitors perspective and looked for simple pieces that were missing. All of my content were original and all of them are about my experiments. Then I noticed one simple but crucial thing, which is missing!

It was my “Profile” details. I’ve never updated my Profile picture, my career and educational backgrounds. Its our profile and bio data, that will give authenticity and identity to the blog. So I’ve uploaded my recent professional photograph, updated my profile and details on Google+, and opted to show my profile details on BlogSpot pages.  See below;


Then I applied once again and voila its got approved within two days.

So if you’re a Blogger/BlogSpot blogger, struggling to get AdSense approval and not getting succeeded, Don’t give up! Don’t be disappointed by blogs that talks about grabbing a ‘Custom Domain’ name to get the approval. Even today, ‘Content’ is the ‘King’. If you write, original and authentic blogs, it has the 100% chance to get AddSense approval. Look for the critical missing pieces, that otherwise seems simple and irrelevant. Give importance to fill them up like your Profile details, Disclaimer statements and copyright details if any.

Good luck and Happy Blogging!

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