Monday, April 6, 2015

Windows Azure Virtual Machines - A Debut Experience

Today I've created my first 'Virtual Machine' in 'Windows Azure Cloud'. Created a 'Windows 2008 R2' virtual machine.

Feels pretty excited!
Below are the steps, that I've followed.

1. Login to Azure Portal using your MSDN subscription

2. Click on the '+' sign, in the 'Virtual machines' Tab


3. Select 'Virtual Machine' and then 'From Gallery'
Note: You can have ready made VM images here, like Windows Server 2008 R2.


4. Opt 'Windows Server 2008 R2' and Click '->'


5. Select Hardware Configuration for the machine and Credentials
Note: (I've selected Dual core, with 3.5GB)


6. Select a 'DNS' name for your machine
Note: This is to access your machine through RDP, from anywhere in the internet (Not limited to LAN as with typical RDP). So select a unique name. Also ensure RDP is allowed both at private and public ports.


7. Check the option 'Install the VM Agent', So that RDP is enabled by default

Note: You can also install any additional extensions like Symantec or Microsoft Antimalware, to have antivirus in your system.

8. Click the 'Tick Mark', Now you can see your new VM is being provisioned.

9. Once provisioned, click 'Connect' Icon


10. MSTC will open up. Click 'Connect' button.


11. Congratulations, Your new 'Windows Azure VM' is up and running. Log into it.


12. See your 'VM's performance indicators in the console


1 comment:

  1. Informative blog and it was up to the point describing the information very effectively. Thanks to blog author for wonderful and informative post...
    Microsoft Azure Online Training
